Free Greyhound Ticket For The Homeless: A Full Guide



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The Free Ride Program at Greyhound provides free tickets to homeless individuals in need of transportation. This article will provide you with information on how to access a free ticket, the requirements, and how Greyhound is making a difference in the lives of thousands of homeless individuals in the United States.

The Criteria for Eligibility

To receive a free ride from the Greyhound Ride Program, homeless individuals must meet specific criteria. These requirements include being:

– 18 years of age and older
– U.S. citizens or permanent residents
– Homeless, as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
– Able to travel to a Greyhound destination

Go to Greyhound to Receive Your Free Ride

The Free Ride Program is available in most states. To find the Greyhound bus station location nearest to you, visit Greyhound’s website. Upon arriving at the station, look for the Greyhound representative and tell them that you would like to take advantage of the Free Ride Program. You’ll need to provide proof of homelessness such as an ID card, a letter from a homeless shelter or agency, or other documentation that verifies you meet the criteria.

Getting to Your Destination

Once you’ve been accepted into the program, you’ll be given a code that provides you with up to two free tickets for a round trip or one-way tickets. Enter this code when booking on Greyhound’s website or provide it to the ticketing agent when arriving at the station.

Why Greyhound Is Making an Impact

With the Free Ride Program, Greyhound has provided more than 158,000 free one-way and round trip tickets to more than 38,000 people in need of transportation. To date, the program has served 17 states and more than 250 cities. Greyhound hopes to continue making an impact by expanding the Free Ride Program to more states and cities.


Free Greyhound Ticket For The Homeless: A Full Guide

Overview Of Greyhound’s Offer

Greyhound has established a program to provide free tickets to the homeless, which includes travel from Point A to Point B. This program is called the Homeless Capacity Building Program (HCBP) and is available to organizations that serve the homeless population.

Who Is Eligible?

Anyone who is experiencing homelessness is eligible to receive tickets through this program. Eligible individuals must not be receiving any funded assistance, such as housing, healthcare, or other services.

How To Apply For Tickets

Organizations must make an application to the agency that serves the people in need. The application must include proof of the organization’s experience in serving the homeless population. Once the application is approved, the organization will be sent a Greyhound voucher code that can be used to purchase tickets.

How To Redeem Tickets


Tickets can be redeemed online by entering the voucher code in the discount field when purchasing a ticket. This code will take the full price of the ticket and apply it to the ticket purchase.

At The Greyhound Terminal

Tickets can also be redeemed at Greyhound terminals. The voucher code should be presented to the terminal’s associate at the time of purchase.

Additional Resources

The following links provide more information about the Homeless Capacity Building Program and the free ticket program:

Free Greyhound Ticket For The Homeless Full Guide

Understanding Homelessness

Homelessness is a complex reality with many contributing factors. With over 500,000 people without a home in the United States, understanding the causes and solutions is a multifaceted challenge. In order to get people off of the street, many organizations are offering free Greyhound tickets for the homeless with the intention of reuniting them with family and loved ones, offering job opportunities, or reconnecting them with life-sustaining services.

The Benefits of Free Greyhound Tickets for the Homeless

By providing free Greyhound tickets to the homeless, individuals can receive access to four primary areas of assistance:

  • Housing: Many people are put in situations which make long-term housing difficult to obtain. By offering free transportation, people can move to an area where affordable housing exists.
  • Employment: By traveling to an area with better job opportunities, homeless individuals can gain access to employment that may not be available otherwise.
  • Education: Access to better colleges or universities can make higher education more accessible for people who are homeless and could not otherwise afford it or find viable transportation to college.
  • Family Reunification: Many homeless people can reunite with family and friends who could provide [housing, jobs, or other forms of financial aid support](

Connection Between Greyhound and Homelessness

Greyhound has long advocated for those without a home. For several years, they have partnered with various organizations to provide free and low-cost transportation for homeless individuals. The goal of this partnership is to provide assistance to those who need it the most and giving them the chance to rebuild their lives.

Free Greyhound Ticket Programs for Homelessness

Various organizations and charities provide assistance in the form of free Greyhound tickets to those who are homeless. Some of these programs are part of Greyhound’s MyGreyhound Program, which offers qualifying individuals free, one-way tickets. Other charities, such as Wheels of Success, offer homeless individuals resources to complete their journeys.

Requirements to Receive a Free Greyhound Ticket for the Homeless

Each organization has their own eligibility criteria to qualify for assistance, but some of the ways organizations identify eligible individuals include:

  • Identifying homeless individuals at shelters, soup kitchens, and homeless outreach programs.
  • Ensuring that applicants comply with their state’s policy for receiving assistance.
  • Confirming an applicant’s homelessness status with a referral from a trusted community provider.

In addition, many organizations require applicants to have a specific destination in order to receive a free ticket. This helps to ensure the ticket is used for the intended purpose.

Additional Resources for Free or Reduced Fare Travel for Homeless

  • [Wheels of Success: Low-Cost Transportation Assistance for Homeless](
  • [Greyhound MyGreyhound Program](
  • [National Center on Family Homelessness: Transportation Resources](
  • [National Coalition for Homeless: Transportation Resources for Homeless](


Greyhound and various partner organizations are committed to assisting individuals who are homeless. Through their free Greyhound ticket program, homeless individuals can receive access to housing, job opportunities, education, and the opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. Requirements to participate vary by organization, but overall, free resources are available for the homeless to help them rebuild their lives.

Free Greyhound Ticket For The Homeless: Full Guide

What is Greyhound and What They Offer

Greyhound is a public transportation service that operates buses throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The company offers bus routes, tickets, and services for low-cost travel throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico. Greyhound also offers a special program called “Greyhound Guest Rewards” which is designed to give discounts and other perks to those who are traveling on a budget. Additionally, Greyhound has partnered up with The Hopeline to provide free or reduced-price ticket options to those who are struggling financially or have no other means of transportation.

Who Is Eligible for a Free Greyhound Ticket?

In order to be eligible for a free Greyhound ticket, individuals must be either homeless or recently homeless, meaning they’ve been without permanent housing in the last 30 days. Eligible individuals are also required to meet certain criteria in order to qualify for the program. These criteria include being 18 or older, possessing valid identification, and having a positive bus travel record.

How to Apply for a Free Greyhound Ticket

In order to apply for a free Greyhound ticket, individuals must first contact The Hopeline directly. The Hopeline is a social service organization that works with organizations to provide transportation options to individuals who are homeless or living in poverty. To reach The Hopeline, individuals can call 1-800-Suicide (1-800-784-2433). The Hopeline will then verify that the individual meets the necessary criteria for the program.

Alternate Transportation Options for the Homeless

While Greyhound is a viable transportation option for those who are homeless, there are other programs available. The American Red Cross offers a transportation program that may provide assistance for individuals who are in need of transportation due to a temporary situation. Low-cost buses such as Bolt and Megabus also offer transportation services at a fraction of the cost of Greyhound.


Free Greyhound Ticket For The Homeless: A Full Guide


Greyhound created the tickets for homeless individuals program to help those who need it most. This program provides one-way tickets to homeless individuals and families to reunite them with loved ones.

In addition to the ticket, Greyhound gives travelers a free care package with the essentials for their trip.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the program, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Provide a valid ID
  • Instruct Greyhound customer service of their homeless status
  • Provide the name and address of a known recipient at the destination

How To Apply For a Free Ticket

To apply for a free ticket, you must contact your local Greyhound station or Greyhound customer service over the phone. You can also fill out the online application form.

You must provide your full name, gender, date of birth, and a contact number.

Contact Information

You can contact Greyhound by:

What Is Included in the Care Package?

The care package includes:

  • A duffel bag
  • Toiletries
  • Socks and underwear
  • Granola bars and water

Additional Resources

Greyhound Ticket for Homeless

Greyhound FAQs

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